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The Theoretical Quality of the Integration of Science and Value in Social Development

The Theoretical Quality of the Integration of Science and Value in Social Development 

Yuan Zhang

School of Philosophy and Government, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, 710119, China  

Abstract: Social development is a complex system which involves many problems, such as object and sub-ject, natural system and human society, environmental conditions and adaptability, realistic challenges and development opportunities, practical process and conscious process, scientific truth and the value of the best, social welfare and personal freedom, etc. Therefore, social development is essentially more than one. The concrete integration process of various conditions, factors, mechanisms, effects, results and consequences of various problems, demands, forces, actions, ways, directions, modes and roads. From this point of view, this paper puts forward the concrete integration of social development. On the one hand, while inheriting and in-tegrating various theories of social development, it closely combines the practical process of human social development, especially contemporary social development, and further understands and explains the essence and process of social development; on the other hand, it emphasizes the specific integration of social devel-opment, especially the value of social development. Specific integration, concrete integration of processes and concrete integration of consequences, opposing the abstract, single and linear way of thinking in the concept of social development, and further emphasizing that social development theory, social development system, social development policies and methods of social development should concretely integrate the objective conditions and human resources, environmental challenges and opportunities in the process of social development. Many factors, such as realistic problems and future influences, material interests and spiritual freedom, scientific truth and value justice, reverence for nature and people-oriented, have constructed a concrete development system of scientific harmony and benefit.

Keywords: Society; Development; Value