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Integration and Penetration of Constituent Elements in Modern Ceramic Mural Design

Integration and Penetration of Constituent Elements in Modern Ceramic Mural Design 

Chun Chen1, Xing Zhou2

1College of Science and Art, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, 333403, China 

2Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, 333403, China

Abstract: The design and development of ceramic murals have gradually introduced the composition art with the changes and development of the times. This art form is the product of modern visual art. It involves a wide range of scientific and scientific elements. It can effectively help modern murals, express deep formal language, and at the same time make the visual beauty it displays more colorful. The large-scale use of this element has brought earth-shaking influence and change to the development of modern murals in China; This article will specifically analyze the constituent elements introduced in the design process of modern ceramic murals, and lay a good foundation for designers to create newer ceramic mural designs.

Keywords: Constituent elements; Modern ceramic murals; Ceramic mural design