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Shot Rate Calculation of Soccer Match based on Monte Carlo Cycling

Shot Rate Calculation of Soccer Match based on Monte Carlo Cycling

Ran Liang 

Physical Education College, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, 545006, China

Abstract: The development of Chinese football today, the competitive level still cannot meet the fans expec-tations, inefficient football shooting technology has become an important technical factor blocking our foot-ball dream. In all sporting events, psychological activity positively or negatively affects the result of the sporting event. Psychology is a reflection of the objective reality of the human brain, a product of the interaction of cognition, emotion and will, which can be transformed or maintained at a relatively high level of intensity for a long time. We talk about the Monte Carlo method used in the calculation of the shooting percentage of soccer matches.

Keywords: Monte carlo loop; Soccer match; Shot; Hit rate; Calculation; Application; Research