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Problems Analysis and Countermeasures Research on PE Curriculum Reform in Primary and Secondary Schools under the New Curriculum Concept

Problems Analysis and Countermeasures Research on PE Curriculum Reform in Primary and Secondary Schools under the New Curriculum Concept

Hui Lv, Xiaomin Wu, Yangyang Qin*

College of Physical Education, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, China

Abstract: With the implementation of China's efforts to strengthen the quality education programs in primary and secondary schools and further advancement, the physical education teaching model in primary and secondary schools has undergone great changes and improvements in recent years. But at the same time, we can also deeply feel that there are still some problems and shortcomings in the current physical education teaching in primary and secondary schools, which requires the physical education teachers to constantly improve the teaching concept and optimize the teaching content. Under the concept of the new curriculum education reform, the physical quality of primary and secondary school students across the country has become the core content of the education community. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the physical education curriculum of primary and secondary schools under the new curriculum concept and proposes corresponding and reasonable countermeasures.

Keywords: New curriculum concept; Primary and secondary school; Curriculum reform; Countermeasure research