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Pay Attention to the Elderly Mental Health Aging

Pay Attention to the Elderly Mental Health Aging

Guojing Zhang

Humanities College, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin, 300384, China

Abstract: The size of China's elderly population is expanding, the growth rate is accelerating, the life expec-tancy of the population is increasing year by year, and the elderly are a special and large group in the society. As people age, in general, they will show a slow physiological metabolism, a drop in resistance and physio-logical function, hair, eyebrows, and beard become white because this is the natural law. Psychologically, the older you are, the more things you need to face and bear. The more things you experience, the more complex your mind will be. From simple reactions to complex thinking, maturity means getting older. A popular science data show that 85 percent of the elderly have different psychological problems, and mental health of the elderly has become a social problem.

Keywords: Thermal recovery; Steam channeling; Compound; Profile control agent; Two-fluid process.