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Research on the Path of Upgrading of Jiangsu's Foreign Trade Industry

Research on the Path of Upgrading of Jiangsu's Foreign Trade Industry

Jie Liu*, Kang Jin 

School of Marketing and Logistics Management, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, 210023, China

Abstract: Based on the global value chain perspective, this study carried out a comprehensive analysis of foreign trade industry in Jiangsu province from four dimensions, including contribution rate of foreign trade industry to GDP, value chain division, value chain dependency and value chain links. Research showed that the four types of industry upgrades (processes, products, functions, chains) could be realized by integrating "Internet +" from the perspective of value chain. Therefore, we planned three proposals to promote the upgrading of Jiangsu foreign trade industry: Integrate and promote the value chain, merge the internet technology; extend the value chain, build Internet platform; reconstruct the value chain and optimize the trade process.

Keywords: Global value chain; Jiangsu foreign trade; Internet+; Industrial upgrading