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Development and Application of Computer Technology in the Era of Digital and Information Technology

Development and Application of Computer Technology in the Era of Digital and Information Technology

Ping Yu

School of Information Engineering, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, 224002, China

Abstract: In today’s world, science and technology have penetrated into every field of people’s daily life, and become the most active factor of productivity. Similarly, China’s development is inseparable from the progress of science and technology which has been playing an indispensable role. In terms of computer tech-nology, under the background of digital and information era, computer technology has made great progress, but also faces great challenges. How to promote the long-term development of computer technology in the era of digital and information technology and how to strengthen the application of computer technology are worthy of continuous thinking. Therefore, the author expounds the relevant concepts and characteristics of the digital and information era, analyzes the development of computer technology, and puts forward the problems existing in the development and application, so as to better provide valuable countermeasures and suggestions for the development and application of computer technology.

Keywords: The digital era; The information era; Computer technology; Development and application