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Research on the Difference and Countermeasure of Rural Regional Economic Development under the View of Demand-Orientation

Research on the Difference and Countermeasure of Rural Regional Economic Development under the View of Demand-Orientation

Huan Xu

Target Performance Management Office of East District Committee of Panzhihua City, Panzhihua, 617000, China

Abstract: The purpose of social production is to meet social demand. In China such a large agricultural country with a large rural population, the quality of rural economic development is related to the overall level of development of the country. Due to the influence of terrain, climate, soil and other factors, there are many differences in the development of rural regional economy. This paper analyzes the rural regional economic development influencedby living customs, consumption habits and other measures. It also provides measures on promoting development in diversified ways, how to improve the quality of agricultural products and how to change the mode of development.

Keywords: Rural areas; Difference; Agricultural products; Qualit y