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The Legal Status of our Enterprises and Institutions in the Domain of Internet Environment

The Legal Status of our Enterprises and Institutions in the Domain of Internet Environment 

Hong Guo 

Hunan City University, Yiyang Hunan 413000, China 

Abstract: In the legal education of college students, the choice of education content is decided by the expec-tation of legal education. It determines the effect of legal education, and it is an important guarantee to achieve the goal and task of legal education. Legal education has a wide range of specific content, and will be affected by the times, social requirements and educational objects and other factors, with the changes in these factors. Therefore, when constructing the content of the legal education of college students from the perspec-tive of civic awareness, we should expand the content of the original legal education, and in the establishment of the system of education content should be systematized. 

Keywords: Internet; Domain name; Legal status