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Analysis of the Target Motion Degree Measure of Primary Tumor of Esophagus Cancer

Analysis of the Target Motion Degree Measure of Primary Tumor of Esophagus Cancer 

Guangyu Tian 

Songyuan Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Songyuan, 138000, China 

Abstract: Cancer is horrible for everyone, as it’s hard to be cured completely with quite high recurrence rate. To make better monitoring and therapy to the target of primary tumor of esophagus cancer, it’s necessary to analyze how to measure the target motion degree of primary tumor of esophagus cancer. With references of 32 patients of esophagus cancer, based on the basic parameter of target motion degree measure of primary tumor of esophagus cancer, and relying on experiment of measure, the measure data are obtained. The meas-ure is performed with the expectation to find out the effectiveness of target motion degree measure of primary tumor of esophagus cancer. 

Keywords: Esophagus cancer; Target of primary tumor; Motion degree; Measure