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Breakthrough of Table Tennis Industry under the Background of Big Development of Our Country Sports Industry

Breakthrough of Table Tennis Industry under the Background of Big Development of Our Country Sports Industry 

Lianbo DING 

Physical education, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin, CHINA 

Abstract: During the period of rapid development of sports industry in our country, the development of table tennis industry is relatively backward. By using the literature material method, expert interview and field in-vestigation, this research sums up the main factors which restrict the development of the Chinese table tennis industry. The research suggests that the development of table tennis industry should take the table tennis fur-ther integration with the national fitness, with the help of new media to expand public participation and reform the will commence to lead a social and professional road. Accelerate the development of market-oriented operation and to enrich the diversification of table tennis industry. 

Keywords: Table tennis industry; Sports industry; Development